Uniminuto second semester student´s perceptions about a series of tasks based on song in the pronuncuation clubs.
Sua Rodríguez, Yeison David
Sepúlveda Blanco, Tania Lorena
Concha Vargas, Sebastian; Asesor
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This research project examines a series of tasks based on songs in which they were used as a key factor to deal with pronunciation problems in English inside a Task-Based Instruction (TBI) approach. This action research was carried out at Uniminuto University, a private university in Bogotá with a group of second semester students who belonged to the B.A. in English Language Teaching. The starting point was a needs analysis which revealed the perceptions that such group of students had in regards to an extracurricular space called Pronunciation Clubs offered by such Bachelor Program to its students in order to work on their pronunciation.
Therefore, six lessons based on songs inside a TBI framework with communicative tasks were designed and implemented in order to allow students to put into practice the five pronunciation features selected by means of real contexts with real people in different situations. The changes in regards to students’ perceptions about the Pronunciation Clubs, their improvements in regards to their pronunciation, and the benefits of using TBI approach in such Pronunciation Clubs were recorded as the main results of this action research project.