Teaching pronunciation throungh experiential learning and pronunciation techniques.
Martínez Castellanos, Cristian Andrés
Concha Vargas, Sebastian; Asesor
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During the observation of four English classes at the beginning of a professional
practicum in the second half of 2015 in a private school in Bogota, it was observed students had
some pronunciation problems when they spoke and performed short conversations in listening
and speaking activities. It looks like a simple problem; but the reality is that it is an aspect which
may cause negative implications in students’ learning process because pronunciation is an aspect
that is linked with speaking and listening mainly (Bearte K., 2O14). If you analyze this point of
view you might say: What is the relationship among them? The answer is simple. Whether you
pronounce a word or sets of words wrongly, at the beginning, you do not notice the
consequences. Those consequences are related to there is a great quantity of words with minimal
pairs which have completely different meanings to each other. An example of this is: ‘she went
to bet VS she went to bed (bet VS bed)’. However, when you progress, you realize whether you
are able to pronounce a word correctly, you can listen and understand it without any problem.
But if you pronounce something wrongly, you might probably generate misunderstandings and
that is why this project took for topic EFL pronunciation.