Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa embotelladora de agua tratada en la ciudad de Riohacha, Departamento de la Guajira
Business plan for the creation of a treated water bottling company in the city of Riohacha, Department of Guajira.
López Herrera, Wilson Humberto
Ortíz Torres, Jaime Alexánder
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Éste proyecto que tiene por nombre “Wüin Ka´i”1 el cual, es la entrega del servicio de agua desalinizada completamente consumible al público mediante su comercialización a través de diferentes presentaciones, en lugares estratégicos del municipio de Riohacha que corresponden a las 10 comunas donde concentran la mayor afluencia de público urbano así, como su sector turístico siendo éste el primer punto de partida, dada su alta demanda insatisfecha de la población local como del público visitante nacional e internacional.
Para este propósito, se ha desarrollado un plan de negocios detallado, donde se expone los diferentes estadíos a realizar para llevar a cabo un proyecto de esta altura bajo la perspectiva económica, social y altamente responsable con el medio ambiente. En base a los anteriores criterios, se ha definido participar en la industria de agua embotellada, que hoy en día es liderada por la marca Cristal con un 49% de participación en el mercado. Ninguno This project has the name "Wüin Ka'i" which is the delivery of desalinated water service fully consumable to the public through its marketing through different presentations, in strategic locations in the municipality of Riohacha, which correspond to the 10 municipalities where they concentrate the greater affluence of urban public thus, as its tourist sector being this the first starting point, given its high unsatisfied demand of the local population as of the national and international visiting public. For this purpose, a detailed business plan has been made, showing the different nuances to be met in order to carry out a project of this scale, economic, social and highly responsible with the environment. Based on the above criteria, it has been decided to participate in the bottled water industry, which today is led by the Cristal brand with a 49% share in the market. Even so it is observed that there is an opportunity in this industry and in this city, mainly due to the unmet demand and the large influx of national and international tourists that visit the municipality, in addition to the continuous search for a healthy life, which makes the product goes hand in hand with this idea. Another point in favor is the projected increase in water consumption, prioritizing it in relation to other beverages, according to figures projected by the National Department of Statistics DANE.
- Universidad EAN [1479]