Emprendimiento en la vereda Zumbanbicos en la ciudad de Girardot año 2019
Canencio Yaima, Lorena Constanza
Moreno larrota, Diego andres
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La vereda Zumbambicos relativamente en nivel emprendimiento está bajo relacionándolo con la herramienta que se destinó para esta investigación debido a que no aprovechan el campo y cada vez más se está perdiendo esta cultura no aprovechando las fortalezas y ventajas que el campo ofrece.
Un acontecimiento importante se aproxima en este año y son las elecciones políticas de las cuales es crucial saber a quién se va elegir recordando que es oportunidad para que los políticos ayuden al desarrollo de la zona rural proponiendo progreso y nuevas oportunidades con transparencia y cumplimiento de las normas. Esto es factor importante para la comunidad con ayuda de los encargados del rumbo de la vereda y toma de decisiones, el gestionar proyectos por parte de estos entes ayudan al crecimiento rural.
Dentro del análisis con la información recolectada podemos apreciar que la población de la vereda Zumbambicos es de bajos recursos por sus características socioeconómicas y la manera de emprender no siendo la adecuada pero aun así sobresaliendo y desarrollando sus ideas, no se califica dentro de un estándar aceptable para considerarlo dentro de un nivel de emprendimiento activo y relativamente potencial a la cuidad, esta es una población con carencia de atención gubernamental, departamental y municipal y a causa de esto prácticamente estas familias solamente cubren una parte de las necesidades básicas dentro de su hogar.
The path Zumbambicos relatively in level emprendimiento is under relating it with the tool that was destined for this investigation because they do not take advantage of the field and each time more is losing this culture not taking advantage of the strengths and advantages that the field offers.
An important event is approaching this year and it is the political elections of which it is crucial to know who will be elected, remembering that it is an opportunity for politicians to help the development of rural areas by proposing progress and new opportunities with transparency and compliance with the rules. This is an important factor for the community with the help of those responsible for the direction of the path and decision making, managing projects by these entities help rural growth.
In the analysis with the information collected, we can see that the population of the Zumbambicos village is low-income because of its socioeconomic characteristics and the war of undertaking it is not ade uate, but even so, byexcelling and developing its ideas, it does not qualify within an acceptable standard. to consider it within a level of active and relatively potential entrepreneurship to the city, this is a population with lack of governmental, departmental and municipal attention and because of this practically these families only cover part of the basic needs within their home.
Having no option to consider or implement new ideas due to lack of technology among them and not being able to adapt new ideas that can be obtained from the internet makes this population even less likely to arise and improve their quality of life.
The inhabitant of this path has a great advantage as it is to have land suitable for planting, but the lack of financing, climate and climate changes are not the strong point to dedicate to agriculture, since they need more than having land , require support from governmental and municipal entities.
The absence of trainings to this sidewalk and the neighboring sidewalks make them stand on the side of the market, they are not competent people with their productive projects, they do not differentiate their economic activities in the market, much less they are apt to compete because many times their traditional culture and their customs make changes and new technologies see them as barriers and difficulties and the simple fact of wanting to activate their crops demand a large amount of money, this makes it even greater the obstacle to continue undertaking Seccional Girardot
- Universidad de Cundinamarca [2281]