Estrategias y planes para el fondo de empleados Fenlinter
Gomez Cardenas, Daniel Esteban
Mu?oz Castillo, William Gustavo
Orduz Pinzon, Daniela Michell
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El fondo de empleados Fenlinter es una organizaci?n de econom?a solidaria, que vincula a empleados con contrato a t?rmino indefinido, en la actualidad tiene convenio con empresas como: Halliburton, Gas instrument, Magnatesting, Pemarsa y Valmar, con presencia a nivel nacional, prestando servicios de ahorro y cr?dito a sus asociados.
El punto del cual debemos partir para el desarrollo del trabajo, es el an?lisis del escenario en el que se est? operando la actividad del fondo de empleados y es un campo de estrategias comerciales agresivas, campa?as publicitarias novedosas y alianzas estructurales de tama?os y estilos inimaginables .Al interior de la empresa se cuenta con una serie de factores en contra que se deben trabajar para convertirlos en oportunidades beneficiosas en un futuro y que se puedan materializar r?pidamente , bajo este concepto definimos la pregunta clave de la investigaci?n, ?C?mo determinando una estrategia de car?cter comercial permitir? incrementar los afiliados al fondo de empleados y ampliar la asesor?a de beneficios a los asociados?. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar una estrategia comercial que incremente las ventas y fidelizaci?n de asociados. Derivado de ello se espera aumentar la cantidad de asociados vinculados al fondo, generando un mayor flujo de caja y mejores beneficios para ellos y sus familias. The Fenlinter employee Fund is an organization of solidarity economy, which links employees with indefinite term contract, currently, it has an agreement with many companies such as Halliburton, Gas instrument, Magnatesting, Pemarsa, and Valmar, with the presence at the level Providing savings and credit services to their partners.
Moreover, the previous argument that we must take in mind and principal items for the proper development of the research is the analysis of the scenario which activity of the employee fund is being operated and is a field of aggressive commercial strategies, innovative advertising campaigns and structural alliances of Unimaginable sizes and styles. Within the company, there are many factors against that they must work to turn them into beneficial opportunities in the future and that can materialize quickly, based on this concept, we define the key question of researching which is : how to determine a business strategy with the purpose of increasing the membership of the Employee Fund and scope the benefits counseling to partners? The objective of this project is to determine a commercial strategy that increases the sales and loyalty of associates. Derived from this is expected to increase the number of associates linked to the fund, generating a greater cash flow and better benefits for them and their families.