Posibilidades de exportaci?n de la Trucha Arco?ris producida en Colombia a Alemania
Moreno Martinez, Ana Maria
Medina Garcia, Brigith Natalia
Tibaduiza Salazar, Karen Lorena
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El objetivo central de la investigaci?n se enfoca en determinar las posibilidades de exportaci?n de la trucha arco?ris colombiana con destino a Alemania, teniendo en cuenta los factores que intervienen en el proceso. Por ende, para llevar a cabo esto se identific? la producci?n, consumo de Colombia y Alemania, los canales de acceso hacia Alemania y las ventajas y desventajas que permiten el desarrollo de esta investigaci?n. Con el fin de abordar cada aspecto se realiz? un an?lisis sectorial que permiti? un mayor desarrollo de los objetivos a tratar, lo que mostr? principalmente que para los a?os 2016 y 2017 increment? en un 18% el consumo de los productos del sector pesquero en Alemania, lo que conlleva a que la exportaci?n de Trucha Arco?ris obtenga gran utilidad teniendo en cuenta los beneficios que posee Colombia con el acuerdo de la Uni?n Europea, lo que a permitido consolidar el sector y que sea beneficiado por el gobierno mediante diferentes mecanismos y oportunidades para incentivar producci?n y distribuci?n del sector. The main objective of the research is to determine the export possibilities of the Colombian rainbow trout destined for Germany, consider the factors that intervene in the process. Therefore, to carry out this, the production, consumption of Colombia and Germany, access channels to Germany and the advantages and disadvantages that allow the development of this research were identified. In order to address each aspect, a sectoral analysis was carried out that allowed a greater development of the objectives to be addressed, which showed mainly that for the years 2016 and 2017 the consumption of the products of the fishing sector in Germany increased by 18%, which leads to the export of rainbow trout obtain great utility taking into account the benefits that Colombia has with the agreement of the European Union, which has allowed to consolidate the sector and that is benefited by the government through different mechanisms and opportunities to encourage production and distribution of the sector.