Propuesta de mejoramiento para los procesos organizacionales en el Colegio Agustiniano Suba enfocado a la calidad
Meneses Velasquez, Jeimmy Alexandra
Suarez Castro, Laura Daniela
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El presente trabajo desarrolla la tem?tica vista durante la especializaci?n del proceso de investigaci?n para obtener el t?tulo de Especialistas de Gerencia de la Calidad proyectado en la Propuesta de mejoramiento para los procesos organizacionales en el Colegio Agustiniano Suba enfocado a la calidad.
El contenido de este trabajo se realiz? de forma descriptiva y exploratoria a trav?s de entrevistas, empleo de fuentes secundarias (historia, ubicaci?n, antecedentes, planta docente, portafolio de servicios y clientes) y visitas con la gerencia y los encargados de las diferentes ?reas de estudio, en especial el ?rea de calidad la cual fue de gran ayuda durante este proceso, as? como un an?lisis de los hallazgos encontrados a trav?s de la b?squeda de investigaciones similares con el fin de construir un estado de los procesos que actualmente maneja la instituci?n vs los que basados en la normatividad vigente son los ?ptimos para el buen desempe?o de calidad educativa institucional.
Mediante la revisi?n de los diferentes procesos que lo conforman, se redise?a un plan de sistema de calidad coherente de acuerdo a las falencias encontradas en las diferentes ?reas para el correcto desarrollo del sistema de calidad, enfocado a la normatividad vigente ISO 9001: 2015, para lograr as? la certificaci?n del mismo. Lo anterior se enfoc? en posibilitar al CAS un proceso continuo de aprendizaje, innovaci?n y mejora. The present work develops the thematic seen during the specialization of the research process to obtain the title of Quality Management Specialists projected in the Improvement Proposal for the organizational processes in the Agustiniano Suba School focused on quality.
The content of this work was carried out in a descriptive and exploratory way through interviews, employment of secondary sources (history, location, background, teaching staff, portfolio of services and clients) and visits with management and those in charge of the different areas of study, especially the area of ??quality which was of great help during this process, as well as an analysis of the findings found through the search for similar research in order to build a state of the processes currently handled by the institution. those that based on current regulations are optimal for the good performance of institutional educational quality.
By reviewing the different processes that comprise it, a coherent quality system plan is redesigned according to the deficiencies found in the different areas for the correct development of the quality system, focused on the current ISO 9001: 2015 norms, for achieve this certification. The foregoing focused on enabling the CAS a continuous process of learning, innovation and improvement.The present work develops the thematic seen during the specialization of the research process to obtain the title of Quality Management Specialists projected in the Improvement Proposal for the organizational processes in the Agustiniano Suba School focused on quality.
The content of this work was carried out in a descriptive and exploratory way through interviews, employment of secondary sources (history, location, background, teaching staff, portfolio of services and clients) and visits with management and those in charge of the different areas of study, especially the area of ??quality which was of great help during this process, as well as an analysis of the findings found through the search for similar research in order to build a state of the processes currently handled by the institution. those that based on current regulations are optimal for the good performance of institutional educational quality.
By reviewing the different processes that comprise it, a coherent quality system plan is redesigned according to the deficiencies found in the different areas for the correct development of the quality system, focused on the current ISO 9001: 2015 norms, for achieve this certification. The foregoing focused on enabling the CAS a continuous process of learning, innovation and improvement.