Parra Alonso, Abel
Sánchez Neiza, Javier Enrique
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Resumen Ejecutivo
Se refiere a las principales características del Plan de Negocio y toma como referencia algunas cifras que son útiles para el entendimiento del mismo.
Ubica en contexto la idea de negocio al brindar características del mercado de la pauta publicitaria en los medios de comunicación y del caso particular de la radio en Colombia y su importancia para la difusión de campañas debido principalmente a las condiciones particulares de topografía y en general las demográficas. Executive Summary
It refers to the main features of the Business Plan and draws some figures that are useful for the understanding of it.
It puts into context the business idea to provide characteristics of the advertising market in the media and the particular case of the radio in Colombia and its importance to the dissemination of campaigns mainly due to the particular topographical conditions and the general demographic areas.
It refers to the main parts of the BP and takes as relevant much financial information that is important to understand it.
It explains the context of the Business concept and the market where it would be developed. Universidad de Nebrija
- Universidad EAN [1479]