Insuficiencia renal crónica en un puma del bioparque Temaiken : reporte de caso
17 páginas : gráficas, fotografías En el siguiente caso se reporta un ejemplar de puma geronte de 17 años de edad, que fue llevado al hospital veterinario del Bioparque Temaikén, debido a que llevaba cuatro días aproximadamente presentando comportamiento anormal, se encontraba decaído y sin consumir dieta; para el ingreso y salida al exhibidor presentaba dificultades para movilizarse. En el momento que se interviene el animal se realizan placas radiográficas, ecografía abdominal, extracción de sangre y orina, se instaura tratamiento y queda hospitalizado para observación. Al obtener los resultados de los exámenes se diagnostica insuficiencia renal crónica; por ello se instaura un nuevo tratamiento para un paciente renal, sin embargo, al pasar de los días el animal no presentó mejoras y se decide realizar eutanasia al paciente. In the following case 17-year-old cougar was reported, the feline was taken to the veterinary hospital of temaikén biopark, due to abnormal behavior for the past four days, the patient was in a state of decay and without consuming any nourishment, while some difficulties were presented whenever the animal was entering the exhibitor. At the moment we intervened the animal so we could gather more data about it's condition (some radiographic plates, abdominal ultrasound, blood and urine extraction were performed), after gathering all the information needed, the patient was hospitalized so we could start treatment and observation. Once the results were available, the feline was diagnosed as chronic renal failure, a new course of action was taken for a for renal patient, however, as the days went by the animal did not present any improvements so it was decided to euthanize the patient Incluye bibliografía